Part Number: C1959
Function: 30V, 500mA, NPN Transistor
Package: TO-92 Type
Manufacturer: Toshiba, Micro Commercial Components
The 2SC1959 is a silicon NPN bipolar junction transistor (BJT) primarily designed for general-purpose amplifier applications.
1. Voltage Ratings:
(1) Collector-Base Voltage (VCBO): Typically around 35V (Volts). This is the maximum voltage that can be applied between the collector and base terminals when the emitter is open.
(2) Collector-Emitter Voltage (VCEO): Typically around 30V (Volts). This is the maximum voltage that can be applied between the collector and emitter terminals when the base is open.
Current Ratings:
2. Continuous Collector Current (IC):
Typically around 500mA (Milliamperes). This is the maximum continuous current that the transistor can handle flowing from the collector to the emitter.
1. Excellent hFE linearity : hFE (2) = 25 (min): VCE = 6 V, IC = 400 mA
2. 1 watt amplifier applications.
3. High Transition Frequency
4. Complementary to 2SA562TM.
Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C)
1. Collector to Base Voltage : Vcbo = 35 V
2. Collector to Emitter Voltage : Vceo = 30 V
3. Emitter to Base Voltage : Vebo = 5 V
4. Collector Current : Ic = 500 mA
5. Total Dissipation : Pc = 500 mW
6. Junction Temperature : Tj = 150°C
7. Storage Temperatue : Tsg = -55 ~ +150°C
1. Audio Frequency Low Power Amplifier
2. Driver Stage Amplifier
3. Switching