40N60 PDF Datasheet – 600V, 75A, IGBT ( Transistor ) – IXSH40N60

This is one of the types of MOSFETs and is a kind of transistor.

Part Number: 40N60, IXSH40N60

Function: 600V, 75A, IGBT

Package: TO-247AD, TO-204 Type

Manufacturer: IXYS Corporation


40N60 IGBT datasheet


The 40N60 is 600V, 75A, IGBT. The IGBT stands for Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor.

An IGBT consists of a P-N-P-N structure with an insulated gate, which is used to control the flow of current between the emitter and collector terminals. When a positive voltage is applied to the gate terminal, it creates a conducting channel between the emitter and collector, allowing current to flow.

It is a type of power semiconductor device that combines the advantages of bipolar transistors (high voltage and current handling capability) and field-effect transistors (fast switching and low on-state resistance).

IGBTs are widely used in power electronic applications, such as motor drives, renewable energy systems, and power conversion systems, due to their high efficiency, fast switching speed, and low switching losses. They are also used in applications where high voltage and high current are required, such as in welding equipment and induction heating.

1. Loe Vce(sat) IGBT, High Speed IGBT
2. Short Circuit SOA Capability

40N60 igbt



1. International standard packages

2. Guaranteed Short Circuit SOA capability

3 Low VCE(sat) – for low on-state conduction losses

4. High current handling capability

5. MOS Gate turn-on – drive simplicity

6. Fast Fall Time for switching speeds up to 20 kHz



40N60 pinout transistor


1. AC motor speed control

2. Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS)

3. Welding


1. Easy to mount with 1 screw (TO-247) (isolated mounting screw hole)

2. High power density


40N60 PDF Datasheet

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