Part Number: BD9270F
Function: DC-AC Inverter Control IC
Package: SOP 24 Pin Type
Manufacturer: Rohm
BD9270F is DC-AC Inverter Control IC. A DC-AC inverter control IC, often simply referred to as an “inverter controller” or “inverter driver IC,” is an integrated circuit designed to control the operation of a DC-to-AC power inverter. A DC-to-AC power inverter is a device that converts direct current (DC) electrical power from a source, such as a battery or solar panel, into alternating current (AC) power suitable for running AC appliances and devices.
Feautres :
1. 1ch control with Full-Bridge (For USE FET Body-Di)
2. Lamp current and voltage sense feed back control
3. Sequencing easily achieved with Soft Start Control
4. Striking time can Control independently (STRK pin)
5. Circuit protection with Timer Latch (COMP)
6. Circuit protection with quick Shutdown (COMPSD)
7. Mode-selectable the operating or stand-by mode by stand-by pin
8. Synchronous operating the other BD9270F ICs
9. BURST mode controlled by PWM input
10. Output liner Control by external DC voltage
11. Built-in Error mode output pin (FAIL pin) […]
Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C)
1. Supply Voltage : VCC 20 V
3. Operating Temperature Range : Topr -40~+85 ℃
4. Storage Temperature Range : Tstg -55~+150 ℃
5. Maximum Junction Temperature: Tjmax +150 ℃
6. Power Dissipation: Pd 688 mW
1. Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS)
2. Solar inverters
3. Wind turbine inverters
4. Induction heating systems
5. Motor drives
6. Grid-tie inverters for renewable energy systems
7. Electric vehicle (EV) inverters