C1740 Transistor – 50V, 150mA, NPN, Equivalent, 2SC1740

What is C1740?

This is PNP bipolar junction transistor. It is commonly used in audio amplifier and switching circuits. It is also used in other general-purpose applications where a PNP BJT is required.

Part Number: C1740, 2SC1740

Function: 50V, 150mA, NPN Transistor

Package: TO-92 Type

Manufacturer: Semtech Electronics, ETC


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C1740 pinout datasheet


The C1740 is NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor. The transistor is subdivided into four groups Q, R, S and E. according to its DC current gain. On special request, these transistors can be manufactured in different pin configurations. TO-92 Plastic Package Weight approx. 0.19g

Advantages Vs Disadvantages


1. High current gain, which makes it suitable for amplification applications
2. Low noise, which ensures clean signal amplification
3. Low saturation voltage, which minimizes power dissipation and improves efficiency
4. Fast switching speed, which makes it suitable for switching applications


1. Limited maximum voltage and current ratings, which restricts its use in high-power applications

2. Limited frequency response, which makes it unsuitable for high-speed applications


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C1740 pdf

Absolute maximum ratings ( Ta=25°C )

1. Collector to Base Voltage: Vcbo = 60 V

2. Collector to Emitter Voltage: Vceo = 50 V

3. Emitter to Base Voltage: Vebo = 5 V

4. Collector Current: Ic = 150 mA

5. Power Dissipation : Ptot = 300 mW

6. Junction Temperature: Tj = 150°C

7. Storage Temperature: Tsg = -55 ~ +150°C


1. Switching and AF amplifier applications.

C1740 PDF Datasheet

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