K3209 MOSFET – 150V, 25A, Transistor, PDF, Pinout, 2SK3209

Part Number: K3209, 2SK3209

Function: 150V, 25A, MOSFET

Package: TO–220FM Type

Manufacturer: Hitachi Semiconductor


1 page
K3209 pdf mosfet


K3209 is 150V, 25A, N-Channel MOSFET(Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor). This is a type of field effect transistor (FET) that uses an N-type semiconductor material as the conducting channel to control the flow of current.


• Low on-resistance : RDS =35mΩ typ.

• High speed switching

• 4V gate drive device can be driven from 5V source


3 page
K3209 transistor datasheet

Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C)

1. Drain to source voltage: VDSS = 150 V

2. Gate to source voltage: VGSS = ± 20 V

3. Drain current: ID = 25 A

4. Channel dissipation: Pch = 35 W

5. Channel temperature: Tch = 150 °C

6. Storage temperature: Tstg = -55 to +150 °C


1. High Speed Power Switching

K3209 PDF Datasheet

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