MAA723 PDF – Precision Voltage Stabilizer, MAA723H – Tesla

Part Number: MAA723, MAA723H

Function: Precision Voltage Stabilizer

Package: TO-99 10Pin Type

Manufacturer: Tesla


MAA723 datasheet tesla



This is Voltage Regulator ( 700mW 50V 150mA ). A voltage stabilizer, also known as a voltage regulator or voltage conditioner, is an electrical device used to maintain a constant output voltage level despite fluctuations in the input voltage. It is commonly used to protect sensitive electronic equipment from damage caused by voltage variations.

The MAA723 is a voltage regulator designed primarily for series regulator applications. By itself, it will supply output currents up to 150 mA; but external transistors can be added to provide any desired load current. The circuit features extremely low standby current drain, and provision is made for either linear or foldback current limiting.

[…]MAA723 pinout


MAA723 PDF Datasheet

MAA723 pdf

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