NCP1397B PDF Datasheet – Resonant Mode Controller

Part Number: NCP1397B

Function: High Performance Resonant Mode Controller

Package: SO-16 Pin Type

Manufacturer: ON Semiconductor

Images:NCP1397B pdf controller


The NCP1397B is a high performance controller that can be utilized in half bridge resonant topologies such as series resonant, parallel resonant and LLC resonant converters. It integrates 600 V gate drivers, simplifying layout and reducing external component count. With its unique architecture, including a 500 kHz Voltage Controlled Oscillator whose control mode permits flexibility when an ORing function is required, the NCP1397 delivers everything needed to build
a reliable and rugged resonant mode power supply.

resonant controller, is an electronic device or integrated circuit (IC) used in power electronics to control the operation of resonant mode power supplies. Resonant mode power supplies are a type of switching power supply known for their efficiency and reduced electromagnetic interference (EMI) compared to traditional pulse-width modulation (PWM) power supplies.


1. High−Frequency Operation from 50 kHz up to 500 kHz

2. 600 V High−Voltage Floating Driver

3. Adjustable Minimum Switching Frequency with ±3% Accuracy

4. Adjustable Deadtime from 100 ns to 2 μs.

5. Startup Sequence Via an Externally Adjustable Soft−Start

6. Brown−Out Protection for a Simpler PFC Association

NCP1397B datasheet pinout


1. Flat Panel Display Power Converters

2. High Power ac−dc Adapters for Notebooks

3. Computing Power Supplies

Other data sheets are available within the file: NCP1397, NCP1397A, NCV1397A, NCV1397B

NCP1397B PDF Datasheet