A Phase-Shift PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) Controller is an electronic device or integrated circuit used to control the switching of power semiconductor devices (typically MOSFETs or IGBTs) in power converter circuits, such as DC-DC converters or DC-AC inverters. Phase-shift PWM control is a technique used to regulate the output voltage or current of these converters by adjusting the phase relationship between the switching signals of multiple power switches.
Part Number: OZ964AGN, OZ964
Function: Phase-Shift PWM Controller
Package: SSOP-16 Pin type
Manufacturer: O2Micro
OZ964, OZ964AGN operates in a zero-voltage switching mode that minimizes electromagnetic interference (EMI). In addition, OZ964 achieves a high power-conversion efficiency resulting in a lower operating temperature and higher system reliability.
OZ964 supports a wide input voltage range and provides a constant, user-defined, operating frequency, ensuring that the CCFLs operate at a fixed frequency. This eliminates interference among CCFLs and the LCD panel. Interference causes electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) problems and may create visual effects (waterfall) on LCD panels. The controller provides a phase-shift square wave output that is able to drive a full bridge power train. […]
1. Controller for high-voltage DC/DC and DC/AC converters
2. High efficiency, zero-voltage switching
3. Supports wide input voltage range
4. Constant operating frequency
5. Built-in PWM dimming control with wide dimming range