D2396 Datasheet PDF – NPN TR, Vcbo = 80V, Ic = 3A – Rohm

Part Number: D2396, 2SD2396

Function : NPN Transistor ( Vcbo = 80V, Ic = 3A )

Package: TO-220FN Type

Manufacturer: Rohm



D2396 image


1. High dc current gain ( hFE ), typically hFE = 1000
2. Low collector saturaion voltage, typically Vce(sat) = 0.3V at Ic/Ib = 2A / 0.05A
3. Easily insulated from the heat sink as the fin is molded
4. Wide safe operating area ( SOA )


1. Low frequency power amplifier


D2396 datasheet

Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25’C)

1. Collector-to-base voltage : Vcbo = 80 V

2. Collector-to-emitter voltage : Vceo = 60 V

3. Emitter-to-base voltage : Vebo = 6 V

4. Collector Curret : Ic = 3A

5. Collector dissipation ( Tc=25’C)  : Pc = 30W


D2396 Datasheet

D2396 pdf


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