DG302A PDF Datasheet – CMOS Analog Switch

This post explains for the CMOS Switch.

The Part Number is DG302A, DG300A, DG301A

The function of this semiconductor is CMOS Analog Switch.

The package is DIP 14 Pin Type

Manufacturer: TEMIC Semiconductors

Preview images :DG302A pinout datasheet


The DG302A family of monolithic CMOS switches feature three switch configuration options (SPST,
SPDT, and DPST) for precision applications in communications, instrumentation and process control,
where low leakage switching combined with low power consumption are required.

Designed on the Siliconix PLUS-40 CMOS process, these switches are latch-up proof, and are designed to block up to 30 V peak-to-peak when off. An epitaxial layer prevents latchup.

In the on condition the switches conduct equally well in both directions (with no offset voltage) and minimize error conditions with their low on-resistance. […]

DG302A pdf



1. Analog Signal Range: ±15 V
2. Fast Switching—tON: 150 ns
3. Low On-Resistance—rDS(on): 30 Ω
4. Single Supply Operation
5. Latch-up Proof
6. CMOS Compatible


1. Low Level Switching Circuits
2. Programmable Gain Amplifiers
3. Portable and Battery Powered Systems

DG302A PDF Datasheet