K1304 Datasheet PDF – 100V, 40A, MOSFET

Part Number: K1304

Function: 100V, 40A, , N-Channel MOSFET

Package: TO-3P Type

Manufacturer: Hitachi ( Renesas Electronics )

Image and Pinouts:

K1304 datasheet



This is Silicon N-Channel MOSFET Transistor.


1. Low on-resistance
2. High speed switching
3. Low drive current
4. 4 V gate drive device –  Can be driven from 5 V source
5. Suitable for motor drive, DC-DC converter, power switch and solenoid drive


1. High speed power switching

Absolute Maximum Ratings

1. Drain to source voltage: VDSS = 100 V
2. Gate to source voltage: VGSS = ±20 V
3. Drain current: ID = 40 A
4. Channel dissipation: Pch = 100 W

Other data sheets are available within the file: 2SK1304

K1304 Datasheet PDF Download

K1304 pdf


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