ADAM26P20 Datasheet Search for PDF Files

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SINGLE REMOTE CONTROL TRANSMITTER ADAM26P20 The ADAM26XXX is remote control transmitter which uses CMOS Technology. The ADAM26XXX is suitable for remote control of TV, VCR, FANS, Air-conditioners, Audio Equipments, Toys, Games etc. ▶ Program Memory - 2,048 bytes(2,048 x 8bit) [ Multi-programmable By 1K-Byte or 2K Byte) ▶ Data Memory (RAM) - 32nibble(32 x 4bit) ▶3 levels of subroutine nes

July 20, 2009 Ver 0.3 4-BIT SINGLE CHIP MICROCOMPUTERS ADAM26PXX USER`S MANUAL ADAM26P16 ADAM26P20 ADAM26P20S ADAM26P20T ADAM26P23 ADAM26P24 ETACHIPS Co., Ltd. 1. Overview ADAM26PXX 1. OVERVIEW The ADAM26PXX is remote control transmitter which uses CMOS technology. The ADAM26PXX is suitable for remote control of TV, VCR, FANS, Air-conditioners, Audio Equipments, Toys, Games etc. The ADAM2

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