Semiconductor Informations
AM28F512A Advanced Micro Devices - 512 Kilobit (64 K x 8-Bit) CMOS 12.0 Volt/ Bulk Erase Flash Memory with Embedded Algorithms FINAL Am28F512A 512 Kilobit (64 K x 8-Bit) CMOS 12.0 Volt, Bulk Erase Flash Memory with Embedded Algorithms DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS s High performance 70 ns maximum access time s CMOS low power consumption 30 mA maximum active current 100 A maximum standby current No data retention power consumption s Compatible with JEDEC-standard byte-wide 32-Pin EPROM pinouts 32-pin PDIP 32-pin PLCC |
AM28F512A-120EC Advanced Micro Devices - 512 Kilobit (64 K x 8-Bit) CMOS 12.0 Volt/ Bulk Erase Flash Memory with Embedded Algorithms FINAL Am28F512A 512 Kilobit (64 K x 8-Bit) CMOS 12.0 Volt, Bulk Erase Flash Memory with Embedded Algorithms DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS s High performance 70 ns maximum access time s CMOS low power consumption 30 mA maximum active current 100 A maximum standby current No data retention power consumption s Compatible with JEDEC-standard byte-wide 32-Pin EPROM pinouts 32-pin PDIP 32-pin PLCC |
AM20 Axial Molded Inductors - Allied Components International RoHS Axial Molded Inductors AM20 Dimensions: Inches (mm) 0.095±0.01 (2.41±0.25) 24 AWG 1.15 (29) nominal 0.250±0.01 (6.35±0.25) 1.15 nominal (29) Allied Part Number Inductance Tolerance ( h) (%) Q Min. Test Freq. (MHz) SRF Min. (MHz) DCR Max. (Ω) Rated Current (mA) Electrical |
AM2001 Temperature and humidity module - AOSONG 度模 AM2001, AMT2001 品手 更多 情 登 一、 品 述 AM2001, AMT2001 是 敏 容型 度 感器,其中 AM2001 是 型,AMT2001 是 度一 型 感器; 感器信 采用模 出方式;本模 具有精度高,可 性高,一致性好,且已 度 , 保 � |
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