Semiconductor Informations
AM29F160D AMD - 16 Megabit (2 M x 8-Bit/1 M x 16-Bit) CMOS 5.0 Volt-only/ Boot Sector Flash Memory Am29F160D Data Sheet July 2003 The following document specifies Spansion memory products that are now offered by both Advanced Micro Devices and Fujitsu. Although the document is marked with the name of the company that originally developed the specification, these products will be offered to customers of both AMD and Fujitsu. Continuity of Specifications There is no change to this datasheet as |
AM20 Axial Molded Inductors - Allied Components International RoHS Axial Molded Inductors AM20 Dimensions: Inches (mm) 0.095±0.01 (2.41±0.25) 24 AWG 1.15 (29) nominal 0.250±0.01 (6.35±0.25) 1.15 nominal (29) Allied Part Number Inductance Tolerance ( h) (%) Q Min. Test Freq. (MHz) SRF Min. (MHz) DCR Max. (Ω) Rated Current (mA) Electrical |
AM2001 Temperature and humidity module - AOSONG 度模 AM2001, AMT2001 品手 更多 情 登 一、 品 述 AM2001, AMT2001 是 敏 容型 度 感器,其中 AM2001 是 型,AMT2001 是 度一 型 感器; 感器信 采用模 出方式;本模 具有精度高,可 性高,一致性好,且已 度 , 保 � |
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