HD74HC00 Datasheet Search for PDF Files

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HD74HC00 Hitachi Semiconductor - Quad. 2-input NAND Gates

HD74HC00 Quad. 2-input NAND Gates Features High Speed Operation: tpd = 8.5 ns typ (CL = 50 pF) High Output Current: Fanout of 10 LSTTL Loads Wide Operating Voltage: VCC = 2 to 6 V Low Input Current: 1 A max Low Quiescent Supply Current: ICC (static) = 1 A max (Ta = 25°C) Pin Arrangement 1A 1B 1Y 2A 2B 2Y GND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (Top view) 14 VCC 13 4B 12 4A 11 4Y 10 3B 9 8 3A 3Y HD74HC00 C
HD74HC00 Renesas - Quad. 2-input NAND Gates

HD74HC00 Quad. 2-input NAND Gates Features High Speed Operation: tpd = 8.5 ns typ (CL = 50 pF) High Output Current: Fanout of 10 LSTTL Loads Wide Operating Voltage: VCC = 2 to 6 V Low Input Current: 1 A max Low Quiescent Supply Current: ICC (static) = 1 A max (Ta = 25°C) Ordering Information Part Name Package Type Package Code (Previous Code) Package Abbreviation HD74HC00P DILP-1

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