Semiconductor Informations
TM1628 Goston - Dedicated LED Driver Control Circuit Goston Electronics Co.,Ltd. TM1628 MCU SOP28 LED LED VCR VCD DVD CMOS 8 10 2bit 7 13 4 8 CLK STB DIN DOUT RC 450KHz+5% SOP28 Add Room C1303 FuYuan Commercial Center the 44th District of BaoAn ShenZhen -1- Goston Electronics Co.,Ltd. DIN DOUT STB CLK K1 K2 Seg1, KS1 Seg8, KS8 Seg9~Seg10 Grid1 Grid2 Grid3 Grid4 Seg12, Grid7 Seg14, Grid5 VDD VSS NC Add Ro |
TM1628 Titan Micro Electronics - LED Controller Driver datasheet pdf - http:, , , 深 市天微 子有限公司 EN TI TAN M I CRO ELECTRONI CS CO. , LTD. SHEN ZH ZHE TIT http:, , , LED DRI VER DRIV DESCRIPTION TM 1628 TM1 TM1628 is an LED Controller driven on a 1, 7 to 1, 8 duty factor. Eleven segment output lines, six grid output lines, 1 segment, grid output lines, one display memory, control circuit, key scan circuit are all incorporated into |
TM1616 LED drivers control - Titan Micro LED 控制 用 路 特性描述 TM1616 TM1616是LED( 光二 管 示器) 控制 用 路, 部集成有MCU 字接口、 据 存器、 LED 高 等 路。本 品性能 良, 量可 。主要 用于VCR、VCD、DVD 及家庭影院等 品的 示 。采用SOP16和DIP16的封 形式。 特� |
TM1620 LED drive control circuit dedicated - ETC -1- VCC 10K DIO CT GND -2- LED -3- -4- CLK DIO STB 1 B0 2 B1 3 B2 4 B3 5 B4 6 B5 7 B6 8 B7 SEG1 SEG2 SEG3 SEG4 SEG5 SEG6 SEG7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GRID1 SEG1 SEG2 SEG3 SEG4 SEG5 SEG6 SEG7 A DPY a B C f g b D c Ee d F G [LEDgn] GRID1 -5- CL K D IO STB Command1 Command2 Com |
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