Semiconductor Informations
TT2206 TEMCo - Control Transformer INDUSTRIAL POWER SUPPLY TEMCo Control Transformer - Data Sheet Input Voltage: Output Voltage: Product Features: Built to order FAST in 1 week 10 Year Warranty - Guaranteed to Last. Copper Windings - Standard on all units. 130°C Insulation class. 80°C temperature rise (25-1000 VA models). 155°C Insulation class. 100°C temperature rise (1500-7500 VA models). Easy Wiring - Solid terminals with c |
TT2206 Sanyo - 800V, 10A, 65W, NPN Transistor |
TT2140 Small kVA 3 Phase Isolation Transformer - TEMCo Small kVA 3 Phase Isolation Transformer VA: Input Voltage: Out put Voltage: Taps: Insula tion Class: Impedan ce: 350, 500, 750, 1000, 1500 2000, 3000 415 Delta 600Y, 347 See wiring diagram Class F 155º C 2.5 - 3.5% Phase: Frequency: BIL: Coils: Temp Rise: TT2135-TT2141 Three-Phase 50 H- 4 kV Coppe |
TT2144 Small kVA 3 Phase Isolation Transformer - TEMCo Small kVA 3 Phase Isolation Transformer VA: Input Voltage: Output Voltage: Taps: Insulation Class: Impedance: 350, 500, 750, 1000, 1500 2000, 3000 415 Delta 600Y, 347 See wiring diagram Class F 155º C 2.5 - 3.5% Phase: Frequency: BIL: Coils: Temp Rise: TT2142-TT2148 Three-Phase 50 H- 4 kV Copper N |
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