TMS320F240 Datasheet PDF – DSP Controller

Part Number: TMS320F240


Package: BQFP 132 Pin Type

Manufacturer: Texas Instruments


TMS320F240 datasheet



The TMS320F240 device is a member of a family of DSP controllers based on the TMS320C2xx generation of 16-bit fixed-point digital signal processors (DSPs). This family is optimized for digital motor/motion control applications. The DSP controllers combine the enhanced TMS320 architectural design of the C2xLP core CPU for low-cost, high-performance processing capabilities and several advanced peripherals optimized for motor/motion control applications. These peripherals include the event manager module, which provides general-purpose timers and compare registers to generate up to 12 PWM outputs, and a dual10-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC), which can perform two simultaneous conversions within 6.1us. See the functional block diagram.


1. High-Performance Static CMOS Technology

2. Includes the T320C2xLP Core CPU Object Compatible With the TMS320C2xx

3. Source Code Compatible With TMS320C25

4. Upwardly Compatible With TMS320C5x

5. 50-ns Instruction Cycle Time

Industrial and Automotive Temperature Available :

1. Memory 544 Words × 16 Bits of On-Chip Data/Program Dual-Access RAM

2. 16K Words × 16 Bits of On-Chip Program Flash EEPROM

3. Dual 10-Bit Analog-to-Digital Conversion Module

4. 28 Individually Programmable, Multiplexed I/O Pins

5. Phase-Locked-Loop (PLL)-Based Clock Module

6. Watchdog Timer Module (With Real-Time Interrupt)

7. Serial Communications Interface (SCI) Module

8. Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Module

9. Third-Party Digital Motor Control and Fuzzy-Logic Development Support


TMS320F240 Datasheet PDF Download

TMS320F240 pdf

Other data sheets are available within the file:

TMS320F240PQ, TMS320F240PQA, TMS320F240PQS