TPS65263 Datasheet – Triple Synchronous Buck Converter

Part Number: TPS65263

Function: Current Triple Synchronous Step-Down Converter

Package: VQFN (32) Type

Manufacturer: Texas Instruments


TPS65263 datasheet



The TPS65263 incorporates triple synchronous buck converters with 4.5- to 18-V wide input voltage range that encompassed most intermediate bus voltage operating off 5-, 9-, 12-, or 15-V power bus or battery.

The converter, with constant frequency peak current mode, is designed to simplify its application while giving designers options to optimize the system according to targeted applications. The device operates in 600 kHz with 180° out-of-phase between buck1 and buck2, buck3 (buck2 and buck3 run in phase).


1. I2C Controlled 7-Bits VID Programmable Output Voltage from 0.68 to 1.95 V With 10-mV Voltage Step for Each Buck

2. I2C Controlled VID Voltage Transition Slew Rate

3. I2C Read Back Power Good Status, Overcurrent Warning for Each Buck

4. I2C Read Back Die Temperature Warning


TPS65263 Datasheet PDF Download

TPS65263 pdf

Other data sheets are available within the file: TPS65263RHBR, TPS65263RHBT