74HC42 Datasheet PDF – BCD to decimal decoder – Philips

Part Number: 74HC42

Function: BCD to decimal decoder (1-of-10)

Package: DIP, SOP 16 Type

Manufacturer: Philips Electronics ( https://www.nxp.com/ )


74HC42 datasheet


The 74HC42 / 74HCT42 decoders accept four active HIGH BCD  inputs and provide 10 mutually exclusive active LOW outputs. The active LOW outputs facilitate addressing other MSI circuits with active LOW input enables.

The logic design of the “42” ensures that all outputs are HIGH when binary codes greater than nine are applied to the inputs.


1. Mutually exclusive outputs

2. 1-of-8 demultiplexing capability

3. Outputs disabled for input codes above nine

4. Output capability: standard

5 ICCcategory : MSI

74HC42 Datasheet PDF

74HC42 pdf

Other data sheets are available within the file: 7442, 74HC42D, 74HC42N, 74HC42U

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