Part Number: KCGG142
Function: Overcurrent Protection
Manufacturer: GE’s Grid Solutions, Alstom
The KCGG142 is Three phase overcurrent and earth fault relay.
The range of overcurrent relays provides comprehensive protection for phase and earth faults, together with measurements, communications, control and recording facilities.
Within the range, the KCGG relays provide non-directional overcurrent and earth fault protection, while the KCEG relays allow each stage of protection to be selectively
directionalised. The relays in the range are designed to operate with a wide range of ac or dc auxiliary power supplies.
1. Compact multi-function numerical relay
2. Versions with integral directionality (KCEG)
3. Serial communications
4. Comprehensive protection functions including:
(1) 3 stage overcurrent
(2) 4 stage earth fault
(3) restricted earth fault
(4) 9 IDMT curves including IEC, ANSI/IEEE
5. Extensive measurement facilities
6. Fault records for the last five faults
7. Integral disturbance recorder accessible from a remote PC
8. Integral event recorder accessible from a remote PC
9. Circuit breaker maintenance alarm
KCGG142 Datasheet PDF Download
Other data sheets are available within the file:
KCEG152, KCEG242, KCGG112, KCGG122