LTM150XS-T01 Datasheet PDF – 15 Inch TFT-LCD – Samsung

Part Number: LTM150XS-T01

Function: 15.0 Inch contains 1,024 x 768 pixels, TFT LCD

Manufacturer: Samsung

LTM150XS-T01 image


The LTM150XS-T01 is a color active matrix TFT (Thin Film Transistor) liquid crystal display that uses amorphous silicon TFT switching devices. This model is composed of a TFT LCD panel, a driver circuit and a back-light system. The resolution of 15.0- inch contains 1,024 x 768 pixels and can display up to 262,144 colors. 6 o’clock direction is the optimum viewing angle.


1. High contrast ratio, High aperture structure

2. Wide viewing angle

3. High-speed response

4. XGA(1024×768 pixels) resolution

5. Low power consumption

6. 2CCFTs(Cold Cathode Fluorescent Tube)

7. Sync & DE Mode or DE Only Mode

8. TTL Interface with 2pixels / clock


LTM150XS-T01 datasheet


1. Desktop monitors

2. Display terminals for AV application products

3. Monitors for Industrial machine

LTM150XS-T01 Datasheet PDF Download


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