MIP2F4 Datasheet PDF – High-Performance IPD

Part Number: MIP2F4

Function: High-Performance IPD for Battery Chargers MIP2F×Series

Package: DIP 7 Pin Type

Manufacturer: Panasonic Corporation


MIP2F4 pinout

Feature :

• Lowering the liability of input voltage

• Significantly reduced power consumption with no load
(1) 20mW at 100VAC (existing lines:25mW)
(2) 20mW at 240VAC (existing lines:30mW)

• Built-in charge protection circuit

Built-in overcurrent, overheating, load shorting and overvoltage protection circuits


MIP2F4 Datasheet


MIP2F×series is a high-performance IPD designed for 20W battery chargers. It features built-in protection circuits necessary for compact power source charger circuitry. This allows a significant reduction in externally connected parts.

It provides PWM control when a normal load is applied and intermittent control with low load. This results in greater efficiency for very low to maximum loads, while also conserving power during standby.

MIP2F20MS ordering information


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