This is one of the semiconductor types.
This part name is RTL2832, RTL2832U.
This product has A/D converter, USB salve interface DVB-T COFDM Demodulator functions.
Package: QFN 48 Pin, 6 mm square chip.
The manufacturer of the product is Realtek Semiconductor.
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The Realtek RTL2832 is a 6 mm square chip (QFN) with 12 pins per side. It uses 3.3 Volts and a 28.8 MHz crystal. The chip’s datasheet comes with a non-disclosure agreement. The IC is a DVB-T COFDM Demodulator. DVB-T stands for Digital Video Broadcasting: Terrestrial and COFDM stands for Coded Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing. The “U” in the name stands for the USB (2.0) interface. USB uses 4 pins: +Voltage, D-, D+, and ground. A USB extension cord is recommended with RTL-SDR to keep the radio away from computer generated noise. The RTL2832U contains eight general purpose input/output ports and an infrared remote control port.
The RTL2832 is an IC produced by Realtek Corporation to demodulate DVB-T (digital TV) signals and send them to a host computer over the USB bus. It has an additional mode designed to allow reception of consumer FM radio, and this is achieved by capturing I/Q samples and forwarding them to the host computer for demodulation and playback. ( RTL2832U Info )
The RTL2832 is a high-performance DVB-T COFDM demodulator that supports a USB 2.0 interface. The RTL2832U complies with NorDig Unified 1.0.3, D-Book 5.0, and EN300 744 (ETSI Specification). It supports 2K or 8K mode with 6, 7, and 8MHz bandwidth. Modulation parameters, e.g., code rate, and guard interval, are automatically detected.
The RTL2832U supports tuners at IF (Intermediate Frequency, 36.125MHz), low-IF (4.57MHz), or Zero-IF output using a 28.8MHz crystal, and includes FM/DAB/DAB+ Radio Support. Embedded with an advanced ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter), the RTL2832U features high stability in portable reception.
The state-of-the-art RTL2832U features Realtek proprietary algorithms (patent-pending), including superior channel estimation, co-channel interface rejection, long echo channel reception, and impulse noise cancellation, and provides an ideal solution for a wide range of applications for PC-TV, such as USB dongle and MiniCard/USB, and embedded system via USB interface.
Reference Site:
There is a non-public datasheet.
RTL2832 Datasheet