74ABT273 Datasheet – Octal D-Type Flip-Flop ( PDF )

Part Number: 74ABT273

Function: Octal D-Type Flip-Flop

Package: SOP, SOIC, SSOP, TSSOP 20 Pin Type

Manufacturer: Fairchild Semiconductor


74ABT273 datasheet



The 74ABT273 has eight edge-triggered D-type flip-flops with individual D inputs and Q outputs. The common buffered Clock (CP) and Master Reset (MR) inputs load and reset (clear) all flip-flops simultaneously. The register is fully edge-triggered. The state of each D input, one setup time before the LOW-to-HIGH clock transition, is transferred to the corresponding flip-flop’s Q output. All outputs will be forced LOW independently of Clock or Data inputs by a LOW voltage level on the MRinput. The device is useful for applications where the true output only is required and the Clock and Master Reset are common to all storage elements.


1. Eight edge-triggered D-type flip-flops

2. Buffered common clock

3. Buffered, asynchronous Master Reset

4. See ABT377 for clock enable version

5. See ABT373 for transparent latch version

6. See ABT374 for 3-STATE version

7. Output sink capability of 64 mA, source capability of 32 mA

8. Guaranteed latchup protection

9. High impedance glitch free bus loading during entire power up and power down cycle

10. Non-destructive hot insertion capability

11. Disable time less than enable time to avoid bus contention


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