A6832 PDF – 32-Bit Serial Input Latched Sink Driver

The Part Number is A6832.

The function of this semiconductor is DABiC-5 32-Bit Serial Input Latched Sink Drivers.

The package is PLCC 44 Pin Type

Manufacturer: Allegro MicroSystems

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Intended originally to drive thermal printheads, the A6832 has been optimized for low output-saturation voltage, high-speed operation, and pin configurations that are the most convenient
for the tight space requirements of high-resolution printheads.

These integrated circuits can also be used to drive multiplexed LED displays or incandescent lamps at up to 125 mA peak current. The combination of bipolar and MOS technologies gives the A6832 arrays an interface flexibility beyond the reach of standard buffers and power driver circuits.

The devices each have 32 bipolar NPN open-collector saturated drivers, a CMOS data latch for each of the drivers, two 16-bit CMOS shift registers, and CMOS control circuitry. The highspeed CMOS shift registers and latches allow operation with most microprocessor-based systems. Use of these drivers with TTL may require input pull-up resistors to ensure an input logic high. MOS serial data outputs permit cascading for interface applications requiring additional drive lines. […]

Features and Benefits
▪ 3.3 to 5 V logic supply range
▪ To 10 MHz data input rate
▪ Schmitt trigger inputs for improved noise immunity
▪ Low-power CMOS logic and latches
▪ 40 V current sink outputs
▪ Low saturation voltage

A6832 pdf


▪ Thermal printheads
▪ Multiplexed LED displays
▪ Incandescent lamps

A6832 PDF Datasheet