The Part Number is AP6210.
The function of this semiconductor is WiFi 802.11b/g/n + BT4.0 SIP Module.
The package is QFP 44 Pin Type
Manufacturer: AMPAK
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AMPAK Technology would like to announce a low-cost and low-power consumption module
which has all of the WiFi and Bluetooth functionalities. The highly integrated tiny module
makes the possibilities of web browsing, VoIP, Bluetooth headsets and portable navigation
applications. With seamless roaming capabilities and advanced security, also could interact
with different vendors’ 802.11b/g/n Access Points in the wireless LAN.
The module complies with IEEE 802.11 b/g/n standard and it could achieve up to a speed of
72.2Mbps with single stream in 802.11n draft, 54Mbps as specified in 802.11g, or 11Mbps
for 802.11b to connect to the wireless LAN. The integrated module provides SDIO interface
for WiFi, UART / PCM for Bluetooth.
1. 802.11b/g/n single-band radio
2. Bluetooth V4.0 + EDR with integrated Class 1.5 PA Concurrent Bluetooth and WLAN operation
3. Simultaneous BT / WLAN receive with single antenna
4. WLAN host interface options:
(1) SDIO v2.0 — up to 50 MHz clock rate
5. BT host digital interface:
(1) UART (up to 4 Mbps)
6. IEEE Co-existence technologies are integrated die solution