Part Number: CX-0905C, CX0905C, CX-0905
Function: Magnetic Audio Indicator Buzzer ( Magnetic Sound Transducer )
Pakcage : PIN Type ( Au Plating )
Manufacturer: CUI ( )
CX-0905C is magnetic buzzer. ( 9.6 mm, 5 V, 80 dB, 2.7 kHz, Through Hole, Sealed, Driving Circuit )
A Magnetic Audio Indicator Buzzer, also known as a magnetic buzzer or magnetic transducer, is an electromechanical device used to produce sound or audio signals in various electronic applications. Unlike regular piezoelectric buzzers that generate sound using a piezoelectric crystal, magnetic buzzers utilize a coil and a diaphragm to produce sound.
Magnetic buzzers are commonly used in various electronic devices and applications where a simple and compact audio indicator is needed. Some typical uses include alarms, timers, electronic toys, household appliances, and various electronic gadgets. They are relatively easy to drive, as they only require a direct current (DC) input to produce sound.