This post explains for the Thermistor.
The Part Number is NTC-2.5D-15x.
The function of this semiconductor is 15pie, 2.5Ohm, NTC THERMISTOR.
Manufacturer: Mayloon Electronics
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NTC-2.5D-15x is 2.5Ω, 15pie, NTC Thermistor.
1. 5mm, 8mm 10mm 13 mm 15mm 20mm 25mm Epoxy coated Disc Type.
2. SURGE PROTECTORS of ceramic material are made from specially formulated metal oxide.
3. The Power Thermistor is a device for suppressing inrush current to an electric circuit.
4. The Power Thermistor in the circuits protects electric equipments from being damaged by limiting the inrush current
Diameter Part Number (mm) NTC-2.5D-15□ NTC- 3D -15 □ NTC- 5D -15 □ NTC- 8D -15 □ NTC-10D -15□ NTC-12D -15□ NTC-15D -15□ NTC-16D -15□ NTC-20D -15□ NTC-30D -15□ NTC-40D -15□ NTC-47D -15□ NTC-120D15□ […]