ADS42LB69 Datasheet – 16-bit, 250MSPS, Analog to Digital Converter

Part Number: ADS42LB69

Function: Dual, 16-bit, 250MSPS, Analog to Digital Converter

Package: 64-Pin QFN Type (9-mm x 9-mm)

Manufacturer: Texas Instruments


ADS42LB69 datasheet


The ADS42LB49 and ADS42LB69 are a family of high-linearity, dual-channel, 14- and 16-bit, 250-MSPS, analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) supporting DDR and QDR LVDS output interfaces.
The buffered analog input provides uniform input impedance across a wide frequency range while minimizing sample-and-hold glitch energy.

A sampling clock divider allows more flexibility for system clock architecture design. The ADS42LB49 and ADS42LB69 provide excellent spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR) over a large input frequency range with low-power consumption.

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