Part Number: ATF22V10C-10PU
Function: High-performance Electrically Erasable Programmable Logic Device, 5V power supply
Package: DIP, SOIC 24 Pin
Manufacturer: Atmel Corporation
The Atmel ATF22V10C-10PU is a high-performance CMOS (electrically erasable) grammable logic device (PLD) that utilizes proven electrically erasable Flash mem technology from Atmel. Speeds down to 5ns and power dissipation as low as 1 (typical) are offered. All speed ranges are specified over the full 5V ± 10% rang military and industrial temperature ranges, and 5V ± 5% for commercial tempera ranges. Several low-power options allow selection of the best solution for various type power-limited applications. Each of these options significantly reduces total sys power and enhances system reliability.
• Industry-standard Architecture
(1) Low-cost, Easy-to-use Software Tools
• High-speed, Electrically Erasable Programmable Logic Devices
(2) 5ns Maximum Pin-to-pin Delay
• Latch Feature Holds Inputs to Previous Logic States
• Pin-controlled Standby Power (10µA Typical)
• Advanced Flash Technology
Other data sheets are available within the file:
ATF22V10C-10GM/883, ATF22V10C, ATF22V10CQ