AWS5506S14 Datasheet – SPDT Reflective Switch ( PDF )

Part Number: AWS5506S14

Function: GaAs IC SPDT Reflective Switch Positive Control DC-2.5 GHz

Package: SOT-6 Type

Manufacturer: ANADIGICS


AWS5506S14 datasheet



The AWS5506S14 is a Single Pole Double Throw GaAs MMIC switch assembled in a SOT-6 plastic package. The AWS5506 is designed for analog and digital application that require for insertion loss, small size, and low cost. State selection is achieved with a complimentary positive volage or negative voltage.


1. Low Insertion Loss (0.4 dB @0.9 GHz)
2. Complementary Positive Control Voltages( 0 / +3V  to 0 / +5V)
3. Positive Voltage Suppy(+3 to +5V)
4. Low DC Power Consumption
5. Ultra Miniature 6 Lead SOT-6 Package

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1. Synthesizer
2. filter
3. amplifier in dual mode, and dual band handset

Other data sheets are available within the file: AWS5506

AWS5506S14 Datasheet PDF Download

AWS5506S14 pdf