BP9022A Datasheet – PSR Constant Current LED Driver – BPS

Part Number: BP9022A

Function: High Precision PSR Constant Current LED Driver

Package: SOP 8 Pin

Manufacturer: Bright Power Semiconductor ( www.bpsemi.com )


BP9022A image


The BP9022A is a high precision primary-side feedback and regulation controller for LED lighting, it operates in constant current control mode and is designed to work in inductor current discontinuous conduction mode and especially suitable for flyback convertor under universal input. The output power of system is recommended to less than 5W.


BP9022A datasheet pdf


  1. Built-in 650V Power MOSFET
  2. Constant current control without secondary sense
  3. and feedback circuit.
  4. No Auxiliary winding for sensing and supplying
  5. Ultra low operating current to improve efficiency


BP9022A Datasheet PDF Download


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