CX8505 Datasheet – 3A, 30V, Step-Down Regulator ( PDF )

Part Number: CX8505

Function: 3A, 30V, Synchronous Step-Down Regulator

Package: SOP 8 Pin Type

Manufacturer: Cheng Xin Wei

Image :
CX8505 image


The CX8505 is a monolithic synchronous buck regulator


Within the input voltage range can provide continuous load current 3A Stream, using the current control mode has fast transient response and continuous overcurrent detection, with soft start, low voltage protection, over-Temperature protection, overcurrent protection functions in standby mode current is only 0.3μA.


1. 3A output current, 4A peak current
2. Input voltage range 4.75V ~ 30 V
3. Internal integrated power MOSFET switch
4. The output voltage is adjustable between 0.925V ~ 20V
5. Up to 95% efficiency
6. Adjustable soft start time

CX8505 Datasheet Circuit

CX8505 Datasheet PDF

CX8505 pdf