Part Number: DAC8832
Function: Voltage-Output Digital-to-Analog Converter
Package: QFN-14 Type
Manufacturer: Burr-Brown, Texas Instruments
Image and Pinouts:
The DAC8832 is a single, 16-bit, serial-input, voltage-output digital-to-analog converter (DAC) operating from a single 3 V to 5 V power supply. The DAC8832 provides excellent linearity (1 LSB INL), low glitch, low noise, and fast settling (1.0 μS to 1/2 LSB of full-scale output) over the specified temperature range of –40°C to +85°C. The output is unbuffered, which reduces the power consumption and the error introduced by the buffer.
• 16-Bit Resolution
• 2.7 V to 5.5 V Single-Supply Operation
• Very Low Power: 15 μW for 3 V Power
• High Accuracy, INL: 1 LSB
• Low Noise: 18n V/√Hz
• Fast Settling: 1.0 μS
• Fast SPI™ Interface, up to 50 MHz
• Reset to Mid-Code
• Schmitt-Trigger Inputs for Direct Optocoupler Interface
1. Portable Equipment
2. Automatic Test Equipment
3. Industrial Process Control
4. Data Acquisition Systems
5. Optical Networking
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