HPR105WC Datasheet PDF – 0.75 Watt, DC / DC Converter

Part Number: HPR105WC

Function: 0.75 Watt Single Output DC/DC Converter

Manufacturer: Murata Power Solutions

Image and Pinouts:

HPR105WC datasheet



The HPR105WC Series uses advanced circuit design and packaging technology to deliver superior reliability and performance. A 170kHz push-pull oscillator is used in the input stage. Beat-frequency oscillation problems are reduced when using the HPR1XXWC Series with high frequency isolation amplifiers.

Reduced parts count and high efficiency add to the reliability of the HPR1XXWC Series. The high efficiency of the HPR1XXWC Series means less internal power dissipation, as low as 190mW.


1. Low Cost

2. Multiple Package Styles

3. Internal Input and Output

4. Filtering

5. Non-Conductive Case

6. High Output Power Density: 10 Watts/Inch3

7. Extended Temperature Range: -25°C to +85°C

8. Efficiency to 79%

Other data sheets are available within the file:

HPR100, HPR100W, HPR100WC, HPR101, HPR101W


HPR105WC Datasheet PDF Download

HPR105WC pdf