IT8518E Datasheet Schematic – I/O Controller IC, LQFP128 – ITE

What is IT8518E?

This is a chip that is commonly used in laptop motherboards to manage power and thermal management functions. It is produced by ITE Tech Inc., a Taiwan-based company that specializes in the design and manufacture of integrated circuits for various electronic devices. The IT8518E chip is responsible for monitoring and controlling the voltage, current, and temperature of various components in the laptop, ensuring that they operate within safe limits and preventing damage from overheating or overloading.

Part number : IT8518E ( = IT8502E )

Function: Highly Integrated Embedded Controller

Package: LQFP128 Type

Manufacturer: ITE Tech, Inc.


IT8518E image


The IT8518E is a highly integrated embedded controller with system functions suitable for mobile system applications. The controller directly interfaces to the LPC bus and provides ACPI embedded controller function, keyboard controller (KBC) and matrix scan, external flash interface for system BIOS and EC code, PWM and ADC for hardware monitor, PS/2 interface for external keyboard/mouse devices, BRAM and system wake up functions for system power management. It also supports the external flash (or EPROM) to be shared by the host and EC side.

IT8518E Pinout

IT8518E datasheet

1. Multiple voltage regulators: Several voltage regulators that can be programmed to provide different voltages to various components in the laptop.

2. Fan control: Control the speed of the laptop’s cooling fans, adjusting them as needed to maintain optimal operating temperatures.

3. Protection features: Various protection features, such as overvoltage protection, undervoltage protection, and overtemperature protection, to prevent damage to the laptop’s components.


1. 8032 Embedded Controller

2. LPC Bus Interface

3. Flash Interface

4. SMBus Controller

5. System Wake Up Control

6. Timer / Watch Dog Timer

7. ACPI Power Management Channel


IT8518 Pinout

IT8518 pinout


IT8518E Datasheet

IT8518E pdf


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