Part Number: KA7905TU
Function: 3-Terminal 1A, -5V, Negative Voltage Regulator
Package: TO-220 Type
Manufacturer: Fairchild Semiconductor
The KA79XX / KA79XXA / LM79XX, KA7905TU series of three-terminal negative regulators are available in a TO-220 pack age with several fixed output voltages, making them useful in a wide range of applications.
Each type employs internal current limiting, thermal shutdown, and safe operating area protection.
1. Output Current in Excess of 1 A
2. Output Voltages of : -5 V
3. Internal Thermal Overload Protection
4. Short-Circuit Protection
5. Output Transistor Safe Operating Area Compensation
Other data sheets are available within the file:
KA7905, KA7906TU, KA7908, KA7908TU, KA7909TU