Part Number: KAD7001
Function: 3 3/4-Digit 3260-Count A/D Converter
Package: 80 QFP Type
Manufacturer: Samsung
Image and Pinouts:
The KAD7001 is a low power CMOS dual-slope A/D converter with 3 3/4-digit number and 33-segment bar-graph LCD display driver, auto-ranging, and single 3V battery operation.
It is ideal for high performance auto-range DMM apllications with 3260 counts full-scale.
In additon, the voltage doubler enables a high performance digital multimeter to be built with single 3V power supply operation.
1. Auto Range Function
2. Low power consumption : Less than 1.8mW
3. Internal voltage doubler, ac-to-dc conversion Op Amp
4. Built-in CMOS bandgap reference
1. Hand-held DMM
2. Pocket DMM
3. Pen-type DMM
Other data sheets are available within the file: KAD-7001, KAD7001Q
KAD7001 Datasheet PDF Download