LA5528N Datasheet PDF – DC Motor Speed Controller

Part Number: LA5528N

Function: DC Motor Speed Controller

Package: DIP, SOP 8 Pin

Manufacturer: SANYO (Panasonic)


LA5528N datasheet



This is Low-voltage DC Motor Speed Controller.

Especially suited for controlling speed of a low-voltage (3V min.) DC motor for cassette tape recorders, 8mm motion-picture cameras, record players.


1. Wide operating voltage range :

(1) LA5528N : 18 to 10V
(2) LA5528NM : 1.8 to 6V

2. Easy to very speed.

3. Large starting torque.

4. Easy to control rotational speed from very low speed to high speed.


Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25°C

1. Maximum supply voltage : VCC max = 12.0 V

2. Allowable power dissipation : Pd max =  1.0 W

3. Operating temperature : Topr = – 20 to +80

4. Storage temperature: Tstg = – 40 to +150

5. Motor current : Im = 1000 mA


Other data sheets are available within the file: LA5527, LA5527M, LA5528, LA5528NM

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