LA78141 PDF Pinout – Vertical Deflection Output IC

Part Number: LA78141, LA78141E

Function: Vertical Deflection Output IC

Package: ZIP 220-7H Pin Plastic Type

Manufacturer: Sanyo Semiconductor


LA78141 pdf pinout


This is Vertical Amplifier CRT TV Reciever. The LA78141 is an integrated circuit (IC) used in television and monitor vertical deflection circuits. It is specifically designed to drive the vertical deflection yoke coil in cathode-ray tube (CRT) displays. The vertical deflection circuit is responsible for moving the electron beam vertically across the screen, allowing the display to draw the entire image from top to bottom.



1. Vertical Output, Vertical Drive, Pump-up


Pin Connections and Fuctional Block Diagram:

LA78141 datasheet

1. Vertical Deflection Output: This IC is primarily an amplifier that drives the vertical deflection yoke coil. It generates the vertical deflection current required to control the vertical position of the electron beam as it scans the CRT screen.

2. Supply Voltage: It typically operates from a supply voltage in the range of 12V to 24V, which is a common voltage range in CRT-based televisions and monitors.

3. Sawtooth Waveform: The IC generates a sawtooth waveform that is used to control the vertical deflection. This waveform determines the rate at which the electron beam moves vertically on the screen.


1. Inverting Input

2. VCC

3. Pump Up Out

4. Gnd

5. Ver.Out

6. Output Stage VCC

7. Non Inv.Input



1. BUS Supported TV Display Vertical Output

2. This IC is commonly used in older CRT-based televisions and monitors. While CRT displays have become less common in favor of LCD and LED displays, the LA78141 remains relevant in the maintenance and repair of older electronic equipment.


LA78141 PDF Datasheet

datasheet pdf

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