LC74787 Datasheet PDF – On-Screen Display Controller – Sanyo

Part Number: LC74787

Function: On-Screen Display Controller

Package: DIP 24 Pin Type

Manufacturer: SANYO (Panasonic)


LC74787 datasheet


The LC74787, LC74787M, and LC74787JM are onscreen display controller CMOS ICs that display
characters and patterns on the TV screen under microprocessor control. These ICs support 12 ×18 dot
characters and can display 12 lines by 24 characters of text.


1. Display format: 24 characters by 12 rows (Up to 288 characters)
2. Character format: 12 (horizontal) x 18 (vertical) dots
3. Character sizes: Three sizes each in the horizontal and vertical directions
4. Characters in font: 256 (254 characters, one spacing character, and one transparent spacing character)
5. Initial display positions: 64 horizontal positions and 64 vertical positions
6. Blinking: Specifiable in character units


Other data sheets are available within the file: 74787, LC74787JM, LC74787M

LC74787 Datasheet PDF Download

LC74787 pdf