LDC1000 Datasheet PDF – Inductance to Digital Converter

Part Number: LDC1000

Function: Inductance to Digital Converter

Package: WSON 16 Pin Type

Manufacturer: Texas Instruments

Imge and Pinouts:

LDC1000 datasheet



This is Inductance to Digital Converter.

Inductive Sensing is a contact-less, short-range sensing technology that enables low-cost, high-resolution sensing of conductive targets in the presence of dust, dirt, oil, and moisture, making it extremely reliable in hostile environments. Using a coil which can be created on a PCB as a sensing element, the LDC1000 enables ultra-low cost system solutions.

Inductive sensing technology enables precise measurement of linear/angular position, displacement, motion, compression, vibration, metal composition, and many other applications in markets including automotive, consumer, computer, industrial, medical, and communications. Inductive sensing offers better performance and reliability at lower cost than other, competitive solutions.


1. Magnet-Free Operation

2. Sub-Micron Precision

3. Adjustable Sensing Range (Through Coil Design)

4. L Resolution: 24-Bit

5. LC Frequency Range: 5 kHz to 5 MHz


1. Position Sensing

2. Motion Sensing

3. Gear-Tooth Counting

4. Multi-Function Printers



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