LM016L Datasheet – Gray color 16×2 lines LCD Module – Hitachi

Part Number: LM016L

Function: 16 character x 2 lines display

Manufacturer: Hitachi


LM016L image

External demensions :

LM016L datasheet



1. Controller LSI HD44780 is buit-in

2. +5V single power supply

3. Display color :

LM016L : Gray, LM016XMBL : New-Gray


Absolute Maximum Ratings

LM016L electrical characteristics

notes :

In the HD44780, the data can be sent in either 4-bit 2-operation or 8-bit 1-operation so that it can interface to both 4 and 8 bit MPU’s.


LM016L Datasheet PDF

LM016L pdf


Other data sheets are available within the file: LM016L, LM016XMBL