M51977FP Datasheet PDF – Switching Regulator Control

Part Number: M51977FP

Function: Switching Regulator Control, PWM Controller

Package: SOP 20 Pin Type


Image and Pinouts:
M51977FP datasheet


Mitsubishi IC type M51977P, M51977FP are the off-line primary PWM controller which are especially designed for SMPS to get the regulated DC voltage from AC power supply. As the totempole type high power-driver-circuit is integrated in these IC. these IC can drive the MOSFET with fast rise and fast fall ouput pulse.

Block Diagram



1. 500 kHz operation of MOSFET

2. Compact and light-weight power supply

3. High-performance and highly functional power supply

4. Fast rise time of 60ns and fast fall time of 40ns

5. Over-voltage protection circuit ( OVP )

6. Triangular wave oscillator for easy dead time setting


1. Feed forward regulator, Fly back regulator

Other data sheets are available within the file: M51977, M51977P

M51977FP Datasheet PDF Download

M51977FP pdf