MAX774CPA Datasheet PDF – Inverting Switching Regulator

Part Number: MAX774CPA

Function: -15V or adjustable, high-efficiency, low IQ inverting DC-DC controller

Package: DIP, SO 8 Pin Type

Manufacturer: Maxim Integrated


MAX774CPA datasheet



The MAX774CPA, MAX775, MAX776 inverting switching regulators deliver high efficiency over three decades of load current.

A unique current-limited, pulse frequency modulated (PFM) control scheme provides the benefits of pulse-width modulation (high efficiency with heavy loads), while using less than 100µA of supply current (vs. 2mA to 10mA for PWM converters).

The result is high efficiency over a wide range of loads.



1. 85% Efficiency for 5mA to 1A Load Currents

2. Up to 5W Output Power

3. 100μA Max Supply Current

4. 5μA Max Shutdown Current

5. 3V to 16.5V Input Range

6. Current-Limited PFM Control Scheme

7. 300kHz Switching Frequency


MAX774CPA Datasheet PDF Download

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