O2Micro OZ9928 Datasheet PDF – CCFL inverter controller

Part Number: OZ9928

Function: Dual CCFL inverter controller

Package: 30 SSOP

Manufacturer: O2Micro International

OZ9928 datasheet


OZ9928 is a high performance, cost-effective 2-channel controller designed for large-size Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp (CCFL) or External Electrode Fluorescent Lamp (EEFL) Liquid Crystal Display Television (LCD TV) applications.

The controller provides six drive signals and is capable of driving full-bridge and Class-D topologies. The drive outputs are fixed phase when used for single-side or differential drive applications. Multiple OZ9928s can be synchronized to drive numer ous lamps.

OZ9928 provides total system protection for differential drive and single-side drive applications.




1. Dual CCFL inverter controller
2. Synchronization for multiple ICs
3. Supports differential drive
4. Supports system operation frequency synchronization
5. Constant operating frequency
6. 180 degree phase-shift PWM dimming
7. Mixed-mode dimming control


Other data sheets are available within the file: OZ9928SN

OZ9928 PDF Datasheet Download

OZ9928 pdf