RM6222D Datasheet – PWM Controller – REACTOR ( PDF )

Part Number: RM6222D

Function : Dedicated current mode PWM controller

Package:  DIP 8 Pin Type

Manufacturer: Mediatek



RM6222D combines a dedicated current mode PWM controller with a high voltage power MOSFET. It is optimized for high performance,low standby power ,and cost effective of f-line flyback converter applications in sub 20W range. RM6222D of fers co mplete protection coverage w ith automatic self-recovery feature inclu ding Cycle-by-Cycle current limiting,over load pr otection,VDD over voltage clamp and under volt age lockout. Excellent EMI performance is achieved with freque ncy shuf fling technique together with sof t switching control at the totem pole gate drive output.





1. Power on soft start reducing MOSFET Vds stress.
2. Frequency shuffling for EMI
3. Extended B urst Mode control for improved e fficiency and minimum standby power design
4. Audio noise free operation
5. Fixed 50Khz switching frequency
6. Internal synchronized slop compensation
7. Low VDD st art-up curre nt and low operationg current
8. LEB and current sense input


RM6222D Datasheet


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