RT9214 Datasheet – Synchronous Buck PWM DC-DC Controller

Part Number: RT9214

Function : 5V/12V Synchronous Buck PWM DC-DC Controller

Manufacturer: Richtek Technology

Image:  RT9214 Image

General  Descript ion

The RT9214 is a high efficiency synchronous buck PWM controllers that generate logic-supply voltages in PC based systems. These high performance , single output devices include internal soft -start, frequency compensation networks and integrates al   of  the control ,  output adjustment, monitoring and protection functions into a single package.
The device operating at fixed 300kHz frequency provides an optimum compromise between efficiency, external component size, and cost. Adjustable over-current protect ion (OCP) monitors the voltage drop across theRDS(ON) of  the lower MOSFET for synchronous buck PWM DC/DC controller.  The over current  function cycles the soft-start in 4-times hiccup mode to provide fault protection, and in an always hiccup mode for under-voltage protection.


RT9214 Pinout

Official Homepage: http://www.richtek.com/en/Products/Switching%20Regulators/Single-Phase%20Step-Down%20Controller/RT9214


1. Operating with 5V or 12V Supply Voltage
2. Drives All Low Cost N-MOSFETs
3. Voltage Mode PWM Control
4. 300kHz Fixed Frequency Oscillator
5. Fast Transient Response:
– High-Speed GM Amplifier
– Full 0 to 100% Duty Ratio
6. Internal Soft-Start
7. Adaptive Non-Overlapping Gate Driver
8. Over Current Fault Monitor on MOSFET, No Current Sense Resistor Required
9. RoHS Compliant and 100% Lead (Pb)-Free

RT9214 Circuit

RT9214 Datasheet

RT9214 Datasheet


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