SD5400 Datasheet PDF – Quad FET Analog Switch Array

Part Number: SD5400

Function: Quad N-Channel Enhancement Mode DMOS Lateral Switch

Package: SOIC 14 Pin Type

Manufacturer: Calogic, Linear Integrated Systems


SD5400 datasheet



SD5000 / SD5400 ultra-fast switches offer improved accuracy, speed and throughput, with less glitching or distortion than JFETs or multiplexers. Designed for high frequency RF operation,
devices provide switching speeds of 1ns with the unique combination of 70ohms “ON” resistance, and a reverse transfer capacitance of .5 pf. A maximum threshold of 1.5 volts permits simple TTL and CMOS driving for small signal applications. SD5400 / SD5000 can switch analog signals up to +/- 10 volts, while the SD5401 / SD5001 can switch signals up to +/- 5 volts.
All versions have gate ESD protection zener diodes.


1. Quad SPST Switch with Zener Input Protection Switch

2. Low Interelectrode Capacitance and Leakage

3. Ultra-High Speed Switching—tON: 1 ns

4. Ultra-Low Reverse Capacitance: 0.2 pF

5. Low Turn-On Threshold Voltage

Benefits :

1. High-Speed System Performance

2. Low Insertion Loss at High Frequencies

3. Low Transfer Signal Loss

4. Simple Driver Requirement


SD5400 Datasheet PDF Download

SD5400 pdf

Other data sheets are available within the file: SD-5000, SD5000I, SD5001N, SD5400, SD5400CY